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Heather Jefts, Cedar Park Place 6 City Councilmember
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My Vision for Our City

Over 19 years ago my family chose to make Cedar Park our home because we wanted an affordable, safe, and fun place to raise our kids. As they’ve grown up, so has our city–from a small town of around 36,000 to a small city expected to surpass 100,000 residents in the next few years.


I’m running for re-election to continue civility and productive collaboration with our city council and ensure we are focusing on solving the challenges of the years ahead. From high-quality jobs and excellent sports, cultural, and entertainment options, to reducing traffic and addressing public safety concerns, to further improving our infrastructure, parks, and trails, there’s a lot to do to keep our city a great place to live, work, and play. Together we can make the best decisions for who and where we are now, with a discerning eye on how to prepare for the future.

Heather Jefts, Cedar Park City CO=ouncilor Place 6, standing with supporters.

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Meet Heather

Heather Jefts is a small business owner, community leader, and member of the Cedar Park City Council who’s been proud to call Cedar Park home for 19 years. She lives with her husband Richard in the Forest Oaks neighborhood with their two sons, 24-year-old David and 20-year-old Will, and the family’s two big dogs.


During her tenure on City Council, Heather has prioritized bringing in quality jobs and businesses, lowering the tax rate and creating Cedar Park’s first-ever Homestead Exemption, public safety improvements, traffic and mobility solutions, infrastructure and sustainable growth, and new parks and trails.

Heather Jefts, Cedar Park City Councilor Place 6, smiling with her sons.

My Priorities

Having quality representation starts with accessible representatives. It’s not always easy to track down those representatives when you need them. I’ve held over 90 open office hours since first beginning this journey in 2017, and I will continue to be available whenever you need me, either virtually or face-to-face. I respond to letters, emails, and phone calls, along with posting and highlighting Council Meeting agendas, public meetings, and city-wide events. I want to empower everyone to participate in our community decisions.

  • Public Safety
    The safety and security of our community is, and always will be, my highest priority. I will continue to work with our First Responders to ensure they have the tools they need to keep us safe and make it home safely to their families as well.
  • Affordability and Fiscal Responsibility
    With rapid growth comes high demand for housing and services. I will keep fighting for realistic zoning and fiscally responsible policies to keep taxes lower and homes more affordable.
  • Transit and Transportation
    Our car-centric communities are becoming more gridlocked, more polluted, and more unsafe for pedestrians and bicyclists. I'm committed to championing solutions that address safety, air quality, and congestion.
  • Jobs
    We need to ensure our economy is diverse and thriving. I’m committed to retaining and recruiting great businesses to provide quality jobs for all of us.
  • Parks, Trails, and Recreation
    Our parks and trails are the heart and soul of our community. It’s how we stay connected to each other, to ourselves, and to our environment.
  • Accountability and Ethics Reforms
    Public trust is hard to earn and easily lost. I hold myself to the highest standards and will continue to work to maintain that trust. I will keep working with fellow Councilmembers for strong ethics policy and regular public engagement on our big issues.

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